Vladimir Georgievich Trifonov

Chief Researcher at Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci.
Vladimir Trifonov has been working in the geological Institute since 1958, former head of the laboratory (1982-2007), professor (since 1992).
Research interests: geodynamics, recent and active tectonics, seismotectonics, active faults, mountain folding, historical geoecology, quaternary geology, tectonophysics, geomorphology, subcrustal geodynamics, geoarchaeology, historical and regional geology.
Research areas: Caucasian region, Transcaucasia, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Caspian region, Southern and Western Turkmenistan, Pamir-Hindu Kush region, Tajik depression, the Tien Shan, Kazakhstan, the Urals, Mongolia, Kamchatka, Western USA, Cuba, Iceland, Italy, Greece.
Scientific contribution:
- Establishing of neotectonic research in the Caucasus region, Southern Turkmenistan, Tien Shan, the Pamir and Tajik Depression, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Mongolia, Cuba.
- Pioneering application of remote sensing in neotectonics;
- Development of methods for studying active faults and lithosphere stratification;
- Application of active faults for seismic hazard assessment;
- Maps of active faults of the USSR (1:8 000 000, 1986), Eurasia (1:10 000 000; Trifonov, 1997, 2004), Armenia, Azerbaijan, Eastern Turkey, Syria, Kopet Dag, Zagros, Western and Central Mongolia;
- Contribution to seismotectonic basis for the seismic zoning of Russia (OSR-97) and the countries of the Arabian-Caucasian region;
- Contribution to orogeny models and the effect of active tectonics on the evolution of human society.
Awards and prizes:
- The Order of the Badge of Honour, for Earth exploration by space means (1976);
- Russian Federation National Award for the series of studies "Tectonic Stratification of the Lithosphere and Regional Geological Research" (1995);
- The title of Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation (2008 г.);
- N.S. Shatsky Prize of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a series of works "Neotectonics and natural disasters in the development of society" (2012).
- The co-chairman of the International Lithosphere Program II-2 “World Map of Major Active Faults”;
- The editor of the journals: “Geotectonics”, “Earth Exploration from Space”, “Geodynamics and Tectonophysics”.
Office 218 at the GIN RAS,
Pyzhevsky lane 7, Moscow, 119017, Russia
+7 (495) 959-93-18
Main publications
Trifonov V.G., Bachmanov D.M., Ali O., Dodonov A.E., Ivanova T.P., Syas'ko A.A., Kachaev A.V., Grib N.N., Imaev V.S., Ali M., Al-Kafri A.M.
Cenozoic tectonics and evolution of the Euphrates valley in Syria // Geological development of Anatolia and the Easternmost Mediterranean. Geological Society. London. Spec. Publ. 2013. Vol. 372. No. 1. P. 615-635 (GSP Spec. Publ. Vol. 372)
Trifonov V.G., Dodonov A.E., Sharkov E.V., Golovin D.I., Chernyshev I.V., Lebedev V.A., Ivanova T.P., Bachmanov D.M., Rukieh M., Ammar O., Minini H., Al Kafri A.-M., Ali O.
New data on the Late Cenozoic basaltic volcanism in Syria, applied to its origin // Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Res. 2011. Vol. 199. Issues 3-4. P. 177-192
Trifonov V.G.
Active faults in Eurasia: general remarks // Tectonophysics. 2004. Vol. 380. P. 123-130
Trifonov V.G., Karakhanian A.S.
Active faulting and human environment // Tectonophysics. 2004. Vol. 380. No. 3/4. P. 287-294
Karakhanian A.S., Trifonov V.G., Philip H., Avagyan A., Hessami Kh., Jamali F., Bayraktutan M.S., Bagdassarian H., Arakelian S., Davtian V., Adilkhanyan A.
Active faulting and natural hazards in Armenia, the eastern Turkey and the northwestern Iran // Tectonophysics. 2004. Vol. 380. P. 189-220
Bachmanov D.M., Trifonov V.G., Hessami Kh.T., Kozhurin A.I., Ivanova T.P., Rogozhin E.A., Hademi M.C., Jamali F.H.
Active faults in the Zagros and central Iran // Tectonophysics. 2004. Vol. 380. P. 221-241
Karakhanian A., Djrbashian R., Trifonov V., Philip H., Arakelian S., Avagian A.
Holocene-historical volcanism and active faults as natural risk factor for Armenia and adjacent countries // Jour. Volcan. Geotherm. Res. 2002. Vol. 113. P. 319-344
Shebalin N.V., Trifonov V.G., Kozhurin A.I., Ulomov V.I., Tatevossian R.E., Ioffe A.I.
A unified seismotectonic zonation of Northern Eurasia // Jour. Earthquake Prediction Res. 2000. Vol. 8. N 1. P. 8-31
Trifonov V.G.
The Map of Active Faults in Eurasia: Principles, Methods, and Results // Jour. of Earthquake Prediction Res. 1996. Vol. 5. No. 3. P. 326-347
Trifonov V.G., Machette M.N.
The World Map of Major Active Faults Project // Annali di Geofisica. 1993. Vol. 36. No. 3/4. P. 225-236
Trifonov V.G.
An overview of neotectonic studies // International Geology Review. 1989. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 111-161
Makarov V.I., Trifonov V.G.
Geological-geomorphological study of modern tectonic movements // Jour. of Geodynamics. 1988. Vol. 10. P. 309-320
Ruzhentsev S.V., Trifonov V.G. Tectonic Layering of the Lithosphere // Episodes. 1984. Vol. 7. No. 1. P. 44-48
Trifonov V.G.
Late Quaternary tectonic movements of Western and Central Asia // Bul. Geol. Soc. Amer. 1978. Vol. 89. No. 7. P. 1059-1072